Tag: Avocado

Anzac Day 2023 – Extra Long Weekend – Part I

  MONDAY 24th, 2023, Love where you live 😍 Well, gotta love a long weekend – 1 day’s leave to gain 4 days off!!! And what perfect autumn weather we have been treated to. This post is a combination of happy soul food moments across…

Easy, Mid-Week Comfort Food Pasta Treat

Easy, Mid-Week Comfort Food Pasta Treat

6-May-20: It’s Hump Day evening and feeling like some comfort, easy to do pasta, to follow my weekly virtual drinks chat with two very dear friends – we are spread over Melbourne, Ocean Grove and Adelaide. Why on earth we waited until Covid to start…

Sat night “in” with a feast… the early stages

2-May-20: Starting to get itchy feet but clearly not able to go out yet 😕  So with lots of time on our hands, the weather still quite nice, it inspired me to just grab hold of the joy of cooking and presenting an “in house”…