26-April-20: Well after quite an emotional Saturday, Sunday night’s “end of weekend ceremony” was real comfort food !
We always like to end the weekend with some yummy food – maybe not as fancy, or as much effort as I might go to on a Saturday night, but something delicious to end the weekend on a high and welcome in the new week…
Tonight’s dish was yet again sourced from our wonderful butcher, Bennos in Barwon Heads and was quite simply, one of the most delicious T-Bones I’ve had. It’s not a cut of meat I normally use because it is quite substantial but these were not too huge.
The recipe is based on the same Neil Perry one from Hmmmm Steak again night a few weeks back – herbed Italian-style T-bone in his Good Food cookbook.
This time the combination of herbs was a little different – with some green shallots, sage, rosemary, normal thyme and I threw in a bit of coriander and basil….
Head Steak Cooker did a fabulous job once again and cooked the steaks really well – T-Bones I think are a bit harder to cook because of the different type of meat on them – but managed rare to medium, finished off with a squeeze of lemon – yummmmmm
The accompaniments are really worth mentioning….
The potato bake was a potato and fennel potato bake, with some cream and chicken stock used. It’s just like making lasagne – alternating layers of each (finely sliced potato, fennel, with just a drizzle of cream in between), finished off with about 1/2-3/4 cup of chicken stock, with a crushed, small clove of garlic poured over it. The topping was a mix of parmesan and tasty cheese, with the green “frond” ends of the fennel chopped up and sprinkled over the top. Into a moderate oven for about 40-45″s or until the spuds are tender and the liquid mostly gone.
The other side was roast cauliflower, mixed with chargrilled broccolini. If you’ve never tried either – recommend you do ! Roast cauliflower is so simple and delicious – either do slices or small florets of cauli, tossed in a bit of oil (or sprayed with oil) and roast in the oven until tender.
For the Broccolini, I usually slice the stems in half, lightly oil and grill them on a griddle pan or in a cast iron fry pan until cooked. Combine them together for a rich, grilled flavour to complement the steak and a change from steamed veg.