3-April-20: It’s Friday – YEAY – and we were very excited this Friday, as in our local community Facebook page a couple of our favourite cafes, who have had to close down, are starting to do take away with either pick up or delivery.
In week’s to come this becomes an amazing phenomenon, showing the ingenuity human beings have in the face of adversity, as these places who have seen their business viaiblity sail over the edge of a cliff, this at least provides some ability to keep operating and people employed. For us locals down here on the Bellarine, a fantastic treat to break up cooking and providing a “pretend” outing.
So, tonight was the very first night our wonderful Mr Grubb’s at Oakdene winery is doing local home delivery – we will often head there for a quick and very pleasant bite – tonight we had the angus beef burgers – A M A Z I N G !!! Thank you Mr Grubbs for brightening the end of our week and generously including extra chips and wedges – Happy Soul Food to boot