18th April-20: We go through little fads where we just hanker for good steak – it seems April is one of those times, so off to Benno’s again Friday morning for some lovely scotch fillet and other goodies for the weekend…
Again the weather is magnificent, so don’t want anything too heavy and rich. Neil Perry does a wonderful herbed Italian-style T-bone in his Good Food cookbook… I just use scotch fillet instead.
It’s really easy to do – just grab a mix of oregano, rosemary and sage, plus I tweaked the recipe and added some lemon thyme as well. Chop it all up and after you have oiled and salt ‘n peppered the steaks, press the herb mixture onto them and cook… (or in this case, get the Chief Taste Tester aka, Head Steak Cooker, to cook 😉)
The garlic wilted spinach that goes with this in the recipe is also a great accompaniment, matching the autumn theme of being warm but not rich or over the top. Plus, easy to do for a Fri night…
I also added my own roasted salad of garlic, fennel, pumpkin and potato with rosemary and lemon olive oil, which I topped off at the end with some good quality balsamic vinegar. I say good quality balsamic, as it is usually thicker and a touch sweeter than just regular balsamic.
For the roast salad, cut the spuds and pumpkin similar sizes (enough for two or if you make a big one, you can have lefot overs !!!). For the fennel, I usually do wedges but again, not too chunky. Mix with a couple of good splashes of lemon olive oil to coat everything and about 2 sprigs of rosemary and about 1tbs of lemon thyme – sprigs or leaves (you can pick out the sprigs later). Roast in a hot oven, when cooked, transfer into a serving dish and sprinkle the balsamic and some sea salt over the top…