6-May-20: It’s Hump Day evening and feeling like some comfort, easy to do pasta, to follow my weekly virtual drinks chat with two very dear friends – we are spread over Melbourne, Ocean Grove and Adelaide.
Why on earth we waited until Covid to start this habit, who knows but I suppose this is one of the positives to come out of this gawd awful situation – leveraging technology to stay in touch more effectively.
Each week we meet up using one of the online “party” apps, have a chat, few drinks and finish off by doing the rounds of “what’s for dinner”…
This week, for us it was an easy throw together, comfort pasta dish with yummy fresh pasta (bought, not home made though). It was enough for two people – so use the packet/person you bought it off to guide you on the volume of pasta.

Again this serves 2 people – volumes are indicative.
Have salted water in a large pot boiled and ready to go. Fresh fettuccini only takes a few minutes and will cook it near the end when the sauce is nearly done. If in doubt follow the cooking instructions you are given or on the packet.
Ingredients for the sauce are:
- 6-8 button mushrooms sliced – you can also use swiss brown – doesn’t really matter
- 2 bacon rashers chopped small, prosciutto or even jamon – I used prosciutto for this and used a bit more as usually thinner
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- About 1 tbs of chives or green shallots or spring onions chopped finely
- About 1 tbs of fresh thyme – leaves off the stalks
- 1/2-3/4 cup dry white wine
- 1/2 300ml carton of cream (I used low fat cooking cream – every little bit helps 😆)
- Chop up an avocado into cubes
- Have about 2 handfuls of baby spinach ready
- Chop up about 1/2 punnet of cherry tomatoes
- Half a lemon
- Salt and pepper to your own taste
- Grated parmesan cheese
Heat a frypan until hot, add about 1tbs oil and a tbs butter, turn the heat down to medium and throw the bacon, mushrooms and garlic in. Once sweated down, add the dry white wine (about 1/2cup) and fresh thyme.
Simmer for 5-8 minutes until the alcohol cooks out. Add about half a carton of cream (about 100mls) and gently simmer whilst you cook the pasta. You can chose to add a sprinkle of salt at this point but I tend not to bother (OMG – sacrilege !!!!!) especially as it has bacon in it. So your choice – taste and if you think it needs some, add some in !
Ramp up the heat on the hot water, make sure it is salted and throw the fettuccini in. If you are using packet dry fettuccini, put it on when you add the wine to the sauce.
Whilst you are waiting for the pasta to cook, throw in a good handful of spinach and the chives. Once the pasta is cooked and drained, throw BOTH the avocado and pasta into the frypan with the sauce and toss to coat – I don’t like my avo too warm, as it starts to taste a little funny…
Serve up into bowls, sprinkle with parmesan cheese, some freshly ground black pepper and garnish with the cherry tomatoes… Voila ! Happy Mid-Week Soul Food Moment – enjoy…