Late March 2020: We are settling into life with both of us home – the girls love it – they are being walked EVERY day and we are lucky we have to our own studies to retreat to and focus on our respective work lives.
A couple of early “happy soul food” moments come not from food but from a little act of kindness and a bit of silly, endearing fun…
Some very dear friends, on hearing I’ll be stood down from work, send me some beautiful flowers to keep my spirits up and they did…
Then on hearing of the “let’s go on a bear hunt” initiative – I joined in and registered my bears for people to come find… I have a bit of a teddy bear fetish and will often buy a special bear from a location on holidays somewhere to bring back home and join the collection. My collection ranges all the way back to my very special “Big Ted” bear that Mum and Dad gave me when I was a little tacker.
It was great to hear the little kids going past our place talking about our bears… Gracie though was not that enamoured – when I first put them in the window she growled and barked at them, wondering who was in her house – silly doggy.