Coming home…

Well it is Mid-March 2020 and things are getting fairly serious, I’m still working in Melbourne but each day this virus situation is escalating. Lockdown is becoming a real thing, “social distancing” is quickly entering our vernacular and workplaces are contemplating shutdowns as the seriousness of this thing hits.

I work in the travel industry and my employer has started realising it will have to stand down the majority of our workforce in an attempt to ride it out and survive – it is one of the saddest and most confronting things to experience, as our rug of “life as we know it” is pulled out from underneath us.

So, with working from Melbourne 4 days a week and staying in our apartment for three nights the usual deal, I have a niggle in the back of my mind that I’d hate to be stuck in that tiny apartment in Lockdown, away from “real” home.

It’s just a “camping” spot for those nights each week I’m in town, to help make the work-life balance more sustainable and continue to live outside Melbourne. We’ve made it fairly comfy but it isn’t home and with that niggle in the back of my mind growing, I make the decision, with my manager’s blessing, to come home to the Bellarine and be with hubby and my cuddly girls.

That Wednesday evening, I head, as usual, from the office to the apartment on the tram – already Melbourne is slowing down, peak hour traffic is ridiculously sparse for this time of year and the tram eerily quiet – a bit like it is just after Christmas but not with the same sense of holiday cheer…

I pack up my bike trainer, my pot plant and my fridge and head home to the Bellarine, where hubby and the girls are waiting, very excited to have me home mid-week…

and so life in Lockdown begins

2 thoughts on “Coming home…”

  • I think Covid19 has changed us in ways we never imagined. I look forward to reading your blogs Lyn, and who knows, you may even inspire me to start cooking 😅

    • Thanks Sharon for the support and if the blog gives you a little inspiration, that’s a little Happy Soul Food moment as well for both of us 🙂

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