Category: Fish & Seafood

Annual Mother’s Day Remembrance Dinner, 2023

Annual Mother’s Day Remembrance Dinner, 2023

Sunday, 14th May, 2023. Every year we have a special dinner on Mother’s Day to honour, remember and reflect on our wonderful Mum’s who have both now passed. This year, 2023 was no different… Here’s a special Happy Soul Food post to share what we…

Whiting with a yummy Chorizo topping

We are very lucky living down the Bellarine Peninsula ! We have access to great fresh local Whiting. One of our mates is often fishing and sharing his catches or it’s just a quick trip down to Queenscliff, to buy from a locally owned fishmonger,…

Kicking off the relaunch with Seafood Paella

Kicking off the relaunch with Seafood Paella

Well I know one of the last posts before going into Siesta Time was Paella so it is only fitting to relaunch Happy Soul Food with another variation – this time with Seafood – it’s not totally pescatarian as there is some chorizo in it…

Sat night “in” with a feast… the early stages

2-May-20: Starting to get itchy feet but clearly not able to go out yet 😕  So with lots of time on our hands, the weather still quite nice, it inspired me to just grab hold of the joy of cooking and presenting an “in house”…

What a Weekend Part II – The Food

What a Weekend Part II – The Food

19-April-20: So at the end of all that gardening, it would have been wonderful to go out, not cook and enjoy a beautiful dinner to celebrate all our hard work… sadly not possible with the COVID Craziness. Didn’t feel like takeway either, as wanted something…

Good Friday Dinner of Prawns and Mushrooms…

Good Friday Dinner of Prawns and Mushrooms…

10-April-20, Good Friday: Whilst not a practising “mick”, with both of us having grown up in that environment, long held traditions are hard to break… so no red meat today. Don’t’ know about you but I always find Good Friday one of the least exciting…