Sunday Night Comfort Dinner with easy pasta

Sunday Night Comfort Dinner with easy pasta

Sunday Night Comfort Dinner


Cheesy Garlic Bread

Creamy pumpkin, prosciutto and mushroom pasta

Rocket and pear salad

Cheesy Garlic Bread

My cheesy garlic bread can be found here:


Rocket and Pear Salad

This is very basic and simple but delicious! Find yourself a really good quality, yummy caramelised balsamic dressing and saves you making one up – this is comfort night, so no fuss and you drizzle a little bit over the top of your salad.

Place a good two cups/handfuls of rocket in a salad bowl, shave up half to 3/4 of a green pear (I use a mandolin – but make sure you use the guard to not add some of your pinkies into the salad ewwwww 😯) and a few very thin slices of red onion.

Dress with a caramelised balsamic dressing and a smidge of salt.


Creamy Pumpkin, Prosciutto and Mushroom Pasta

This was essentially made up with left-overs from the previous night, when we cooked up home-made pizzas – so really was tidying up, so they didn’t go to waste and is enough for 2 people.

About 1 -2 cups of roasted pumpkin squares

3-4 slices of prosciutto

About 3/4 to 1 cup of sliced mushrooms

1/2 cup of cream

1/4 or generous splash of dry white wine

Couple of sprigs of thyme

2 small tomatoes, de-seeded and chopped up

Olive oil

1 small garlic clove

Pinch of salt

Fresh basil leaves, chopped

Dry Penne pasta – enough for 2 people – I say dry as takes longer to cook and you can cook the sauce whilst it is cooking.

Have your salted, pasta water boiling hot and add in the pasta.

Whilst it is cooking, prepare your sauce as follows:

Heat the olive oil in a fry pan (I actually used the left-over garlic infused olive oil), pop in the mushrooms and cook until soft.

Add in the thyme and dry white wine and cook for a few minutes, stir in the pumpkin squares and a pinch of salt. Then add the cream and let heat through.

When ready, if heat has been off, turn heat back on and stir in prosciutto, tomato and fresh basil.

Once pasta is cooked, drain and stir gently through the sauce over low heat. Once mixed, serve and top with parmesan (some people don’t like parmesan on creamy sauces – I say you can never get too much cheese 😛!)

Happy, comfort soul food dinner 🤗